Well.... only a year and a half later and... another post! Judging by the screenshot of my last post, it looks like I've gone backwards quite a bit, which wouldn't be entirely untrue. However, I've been spending a good bit of time re-working things to use a more component-based approach. Rather than absolutely everything being dictated in code files, I've broken things out a bit and made more pieces directly editable by the IDE. The idea is to provide more intuitive editors to different types of data directly within the IDE. This will eventually mean previewing/modifying shaders/meshes/turf mesh sets/etc. effectively in real-time.

This has brought up some concerns for people who prefer to work on things directly as code. Basically everything in a project (currently) is stored as XML behind the scenes. I have on my "roadmap" the option to edit this XML directly. I'm hoping that the tools I provide will make that mostly unnecessary, but I can certainly relate to that feeling I get when I'm trying to do simple things and must fight my way through the interface to do them.

If this is a 'state-of-the-Coggoid' address, then the state of Coggoid is pretty good. If my previous iteration of my scripting engine was good, this one is even better. I spent a lot more time getting this part right, and making it extensible this time around than I had before. As a result, I haven't had much in the way of pretty screenshots, but I just added in some functions for manipulating objects on the screen, and it went very quickly. I've got a lot of code to Frankenstein back into this and it's nice to know it'll be pretty easy to do so.
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